Accelerating A Sustainability Revolution.

Task At Hand
This project encompassed researching five key areas of issues that fall under the Sustainability umbrella that need to be addressed in the fashion industry in order to accelerate the Sustainability Revolution by launching a campaign to reach targeted fashion companies. After analysis of damageability levels, the focus areas included Supply Chain Workers Rights, Reducing Scope 3 Emissions, Reducing Micro-Plastics, Proper Textile Disposal, and Brand Transparency related through the 17 Sustainable Development Goals defined by the United Nations, final research findings can be located in project below. In order to properly implement progressive changes, the best route was to develop the CIRCLE Application, designed for fashion company usage to input and monitor their environmental impacts.

CIRCLE is an application for fashion companies that allows them to track, analyze, and report their Information on their garment workers, fossil fuel emissions, plastic/synthetic use, textile disposal, and provide education resources on environmental Impacts and Issues. The application will rank each company on larger scale, compared to other companies level of transparency and environmental efficiency. Once the companies are ranked, they will gain access to Insight on their operation efficiencies, allowing them to make adjustments accordingly with the assistance of the on-site easily Implementable solutions and tips. CIRCLE allows for unified standards and knowledge with the purpose of increased efficiency/rate of a sustainable revolution across fashion companies globally.

Researching and analyzing the past and current impacts the fashion industry has on the environment has been eye-opening, heart-breaking, and has fueled my passion for fashion sustainability. This project has led me to start thinking about ways to implement change in the industry and assisting in the overall duration of our planet.