Resident Evil S/S 23 : Clo-3D Collection

Task At Hand
Tasked with developing a Capsule Collection for a video game character of choice utilizing the virtual design software CLO 3D, I chose to show case the apocalyptic video game Resident Evil, I focused on designing practical yet feminine garments for character Jill Valentine, a zombie combating police officer. My in depth research on Jill’s character led to exploring tactical garments that aligned with her aesthetic and practicality needs.

Once I developed my character profile on Jill Valentine, I curated a mood board that captured the eerie feelings and aesthetic associated with Resident Evil. I focused and expanded on the hidden delicate details throughout the game leading to the theme of my collection being visualized through dark femininity reflective of renaissance art. My collection is reflective of the balance between femininity and practicality, focusing on designing garments that incorporated components of each. This theme determined the color palette which is intended to be versatile for tactical purposes but still romantic, for design trims I added elements such as lace and zippers to reinforce this theme. I utilized durable fabrics such as lamb skin leather while incorporating softer lighter fabrics such as silk. I used Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator to develop the three prints I used throughout the collection as well as to visually articulate my collection as a whole including line sheets, etc.

CLO-3D has increased my technological skills and given me immense insight on the design process and garment construction. Virtually designing a collection through CLO opened my eyes to the range of possibilities in virtual design as well as the passion I have for it.